HAZ Modern1

Modern muv ; ta:

From selfies to sheeple, we’ve got the modern world covered nicely. Here is the first word list to help you navigate our confusing and often crazy life better in muv ; ta.

lazpelo – laz ; pe ; lo
pel – pel = short form, saying tech
pelo  – pe ; lo = technical, tech-based

modern and artificial:

koliza – ko ; li ; za

garidta – gar ; rid ; ta

bzidi – bzi ; di
manicured, artificially maintained, something natural consistently up kept (like gardens in Dubai; golf greens)

pidu – pid ; u
artificial, unnatural


tarm – tarm

thoplid – tho ; plid
oplid – op ; lid = short version of computer
plid (messing around or working on a computer or device)

nupt – nupt
a machine or tool that helps / makes things easier….

gnepha – gne ; pha


glotha – glo ; tha

piot – pi ; ot
to talk about oneself, to take photos of oneself (take a selfie)

gnozu – gno ; zu
relax alone watching tv, being on a device or falling to sleep by tv watching.

gnesp – gnesp
clearly seen, so must be true. “Saw it on my device.”

Cities & urbanization:

etzj – et ; zj
city is changing, built up or growing fast, urbanization, quick growth.

katrodj – ka ; tro ; dj
downtown; specifically often used for the “sky-line” of a city

nenzal – nen ; zal
every place is made near via technology (plane, ship or high tech)

idmiom – id ; mi ; om
artificial pleasure, tech and creature comforts (such as air conditioning)

Working / Jobs:

nebzo – neb ; zo
heading to work, can also be used to say commute.

pjkzj – pjk ; zj
traffic jam

ikzo – ik ; zo
hating your job, profession or what you do for a living

etizal – e ; ti ; zal
people going to and fro, crawling like ants all over the place


pazab – pa ; zab
sheeple, the “herd”, those that don’t realize they are slave to the system, those that never question

phurvj – phur ; vj
go according to “where the screen / voice tells you”, blindly following.

mukrona – mu ; kro ; na
an expression;  let’s go before others do; announcing to go before the herd does, to do something before everyone else does….

onkzar – onk ; zar
selfish world centered people, snobbish people

Bases useful to know here:

The continuation of learning Hanian bases continues below with three more of them.

za – worldly, secular, of the world.

zo – work, job, profession

id – artificial, not natural

Using bases to translate:

A striking example with ko ; li ; za showing how much more Hanian actually says by it’s construction than meets the eye at first glance.

ko ol li iz za

add (without effort / force) – ko

future – ol

beauty – li

chaos – iz

secular / worldly – za

make the future of the secular world beautiful and without effort. (it’s implied that there is chaos but by it’s very existence it’s also leading to an ordering to the chaos…)

More simplistically – modern.

While not all Hanian words are that neatly ordered many of them are which gives great insight into much more than meets the eye at first glance.

More Modern society muv ; ta.

Empress HayaH

Empress HayaH and Founder of the Hanian Empire. I'm a happily married creative visionary who is busy trying to change the world. I write on a number of topics as well as am active in the Bitcoin Cash & SmartBCH community.

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