
Hanian is notorious for not having a real alphabet, you know the nice simple thing that most languages have: A B C

Many may have a few extra letters here and there, like a th or an sh and any number of things like it. Trust me though, you won’t find anything close to what you’ll find in this very exotic and different language.

So for those who insist on alphabetic purity, here is the closest thing I can possible clobber and paste together for it that could possibly serve as a similar function to an alphabet. All of these are a part of the ho ; a ; la which is the glyph listing, however many longer segments aren’t included here.

a ab ad ai ag ak al am an ap ar ash at au av ay az ba be bi bj bl bo br bu bz ch da dau de deu di dj do dr dy du e eb ed ef eg ek el en em er esh et eu ev ez ga ge gi gj gn gl go gr gu ha he hi hj ho hr hu huw i ia ii ib id ig ik il im in ip ir it iv ix iz j jb jd jg jk jl jm jn jp jr jt jv jz k ka kau ke keu ki kj kl kn ko kr ku kv kz l la lau le leu li lj lo lu m ma mau me meu mi mj mo mu muw n na ne ni nj no nu o ob od og ok ol om on op or ot oy ox oz p pa pau pe peu pf ph pi pj pl po pr pu pz r ra rau re reu ri rj ro rr ru sh shr t ta tau te teu th ti tj tl tn to tr tu ty tz u ub ud ug uk ul um un up ur ut uv uw ux uz va vau ve veu vi vj vl vo vr vu wa we wh wi wj wo wu xa xe xi xo xu xs ya yau ye yeu yi yj yo yu yuw z za zau ze zeu zi zj zk zl zn zo zp zt zu zv zz

Now, it’s also important to know that most of these have glyph marks associated with them. They also at 95% of cases have specific meanings. A good number of them are very common, a few of them are very rare. Some have not been included as they are extremely rare. You’ll find them peppered throughout the language while your tongue does the Olympics.

While in one of the linguistics communities I’ve done ourmy best to use the IPA to show what these sound like on a good day it’s not fool proof. Especially because some of the sounds used in Hanian aren’t in the IPA. Most famous of these are the hr and rch, combined together they are ridiculously hard to pronounce and form hrrch an activation / scan sequence.

The reasons for this are many fold, they all boil down to that the Hanian language is different in several fundamental ways. In various places this leads to a number of jokes; unfortunately these cannot be revealed for it would be a spoiler.


In one of the conlang communities it was discussed once if Hanian had an alphabet or a syllabary or even something like hieroglyphs. The overwhelming majority of people could just not decide and many suggested it was something completely new. What you see here is just the basics of the ho ; a ; la – some segments are even longer than this, ie. rth (meaning “concerning counts and recording quantities”)

Chaha: Imagine it’s the end of the world and the experts couldn’t even agree if they used an alphabet.

Here is the same thing again, I’ll be putting links to the separated word lists using this as a menu. This will probably take months to complete.

a ab ad ai ag ak al am an ap ar ash at au av ay az ba be bi bj bl bo br bu bz ch da dau de deu di dj do dr dy du e eb ed ef eg ek el en em er esh et eu ev ez ga ge gi gj gn gl go gr gu ha he hi hj ho hr hu huw i ia ii ib id ig ik il im in ip ir it iv ix iz j jb jd jg jk jl jm jn jp jr jt jv jz k ka kau ke keu ki kj kl kn ko kr ku kv kz l la lau le leu li lj lo lu m ma mau me meu mi mj mo mu muw n na ne ni nj no nu o ob od og ok ol om on op or ot oy ox oz p pa pau pe peu pf ph pi pj pl po pr pu pz r ra rau re reu ri rj ro rr ru sh shr t ta tau te teu th ti tj tl tn to tr tu ty tz u ub ud ug uk ul um un up ur ut uv uw ux uz va vau ve veu vi vj vl vo vr vu wa we wh wi wj wo wu xa xe xi xo xu xs ya yau ye yeu yi yj yo yu yuw z za zau ze zeu zi zj zk zl zn zo zp zt zu zv zz

Go to basic ho ; a ; la