Chaha 1
Chaha HAZ Dictionary
This is a completely unorganized list of the Hanian word list as it applies to the Chaha Series. Obviously some of them are used in contemporary society and life too, but many others aren’t. Please be aware, these sets of posts deal with many words which are used in a Dystopian setting. Those who are staff or invited book fans may get access to more information through the members pages.
For those of you who can see this file the language is used very specifically in the chaha book series. The vocabulary is at times rather…uhmm… colorful. You have been warned. If you are going what the heck at this word list, remember, it’s for specific use…..
1. phe ; lo
ancestry / history – where people come from / origin; their roots
2. bi ; muz
whiskers or face antenna for sensing environment
(cats, fish, some bugs)
3. tj ; ga ; iz
destructive, something or someone that causes destruction
4. zpir ; zab
resentment; feeling of being upset or bothered by something
5. j ; gal
power, saying “the power”
(as in electricity)
6. mu ; etz
saying the contrary, speaking out against
7. ki ; ul ; tra
to disinfect by rubbing alcohol or disinfectant over oneself
(usually chath would be used for this)
8. e ; no ; dra
choosing to go to a “free territory”
(implications of banishment, being alone + falling down from authority)
9. oz ; zjt
stopping overnight
(in a city or larger town)
10. zo ; toz
taking a quick nap
11. toz ; zad
quick rest time; a few minutes of respite
12 to ; egh
(Used as order; from sor sar word of egh meaning “hurry”)
13. ge ; ztal
Remain here! Stay here! Wait here!
(Used as order; from sor sar word of sta; meaning remain)
14. at ; nib
grown up, adult, someone past puberty
15. ru ; chaz
awareness (as noun)
16. peg ; gi ; a
output is equal or greater to input
(hard to translate, refers to work versus resource consumption)
17. ge ; ku ; al
waste of resources; for little gain
saying it’s a waste of time and effort
18. laz ; zur
“greatness”; used as title
greatness as general meaning.
19. la ; zu ; ra
title equivalent to your honor (female) “Great Light Authority”
20. la ; zu ; ru
title equivalent to your honor (male) “Great Light which does”
21. gi ; ad
having a snack
the act of putting down a few bites to brook one over a bit
22. djv ; lo
Enter! Come inside!
(Can be used as a command or instruction)
23. re ; phiz
“Yes, see the chaos..”
“I see it too”
24. ge ; za
in the situation
in the middle of something
25. pza ; ta
‘real world’ as compared to fantasy
bitter place of ‘reality’
26. ge ; ab
in submission
is a slave
27. pha ; tarn
meat of any of several types of edible worms
28. tarn
tasting wormy or insect – like
made with worms and insects
29. vozp
next step / part
…and next
next up
30. zle ; vo
unsure of what to do next
31. ko ; djch
rummaging through someone’s home and / or stuff
(usually by a thief, pirates, military, police, etc)
32. do ; yu ; ne
sitting nearby (and waiting)
33. wavzp
overwhelmed by color, brightness, elaborate decoration / patterns
34. vjsh
come to terms (with it)
accept reality
35. em ; mok
asking for more of something
(this can be used as a plea)
36. bo ; la ; ki
coco plum
(Type of fruit found in South Florida and the tropics, usually on hedges)
37. kna ; gaar
place where one can fry or cook foods; tightly controlled of course
38. bo ; la
something that is sweet
sweet to the core
39. ket gi ; ar
exchanging resources for edibles
earning ones’ keep by gathering resources
40. ti ; a ; ne
algae as food; especially specific algae found in Mexico
41. gi ; zo ; kna
gathering food
(as a work duty, not foraging for self)
42. zkel ; na
rabbit meat
43. ka ; va ; ton
venison meat
44. gim ; zo
work for one’s food
45. gi ; zo
the food one is given after working
being sent home with food after work
a in – work meal given by one’s boss / job
46. po ; ye
stew of rubbish (food) some turn out be quite good actually
47 . kra po ; ye
able to cook / prepare by feel
randomly throwing things together and they turn out great
making good meals from left overs, trash or rubbish
48. tri ; a ; gu
a benefit
49. az ; zu ; ru
50. zu ; ruch
having awareness
paying attention
Next word list : Chaha 2